söndag 11 januari 2009

Well fuck it........ everybody else got one, now i´m in the swamp doi´n what all others do to..... Blogging..... what a waist of precous time..... you know were all gonna die, right? and still you sit here waisting time reading this shit...... well, ok, youre proboably an adult doing whatever you want, right?

SO! Why do I do this crap? I haven´t a F-n clue, hopefully it might piss someone off, and i´ll be happy.

Where do i go from here?

Straight fucking down man...... I´ll start with a topic close to my heart. Pitbull. Vicious monsters eating children.... right? WROOOONG!!! U fucking insignificant, narrowminded LOSERS!! IT`S A DOG for Fecks sake! NOT the boogeyman, NOT the creature from the black lagoon, NOT NOT NOT fucking NOT!!!!!! a nightmarish being out to maim and kill!!

"well, of course it´s a monster, its always on the news........"

DOOH!!! Of fucking course it´s always on the news.... Cause thats ALL it is!! The monstreus killer dog you speak of DOES NOT EXIST outside the F-n TV you moron!!

YES there are dogs, often of mixed pitbullbreeds (NOTE: MIXED pitbullbreeds, NOT PUREBREED!!! ....moron) that was brought up to BE a killing maching by the OWNER!!! It sure as HELL didn´t wake up, newborn puppy, and think: "hmm... i want to hurt people..." You really think that?? YOU should be the one put down for stupidity...... moron!!

ok ok ok... back to topic......

I myself have a pitbullmix.... living, eating, breathing, playing everyday WITH my children. They ambush him, jump ON him, pulling his tail and ears. One would think that two little terrorist children battering his old body would be enough for him to hurt them, right?? WRONG AGAIN MFers.... He LOVES them more than he loves himself, and would give his life for them ANY day, for ANY reason if that is what´s nessesery for them to survive!!

And also i have another dog.... a 10 months old Grate Dane/St Bernardmix bugging him EVERY day of the week..... if he was a vicious killer..... woulden´t he kill her to then??

"Well no.... cause she´s another dog you see...." oh oh OH!!! so the pitbull just kills people then? like theyré born with hatred to man then?? YOU FUCKING MORON!!!

(lots ´n lots of bad words in this blog..... DEAL with it sucka)

No it is never the dog fault that it bekomes a fighting machine. NO dog is born with a killing lust!! Yes the dogs within the "BULL" category has e stronger lust for destruction, yes i´ll give you that...... (why do you think they are the dogs chosen to become fighters??).... But NO dog is born with the will to fight... it is braught to surface by MAN! By us supposed to care, feed and LOVE them.... WE are the ones betraying them by making them hurt others, just to please us..........

Cause thats ALL the dog ever wants..... to please US.... to make US happy........

If they are such monsters, how come in the mid 80s they were used to babysit children in tha US of F-n A? Parents left their 6-7 yrs old children ALONE with the PITBULL!! as a babysitter.... and that NEVER in history (i checked so fuck you) led to an attack on a child, never once!!

So next time you se a pitbull... don´t walk away, TALK to the owner, se if you might be allowed to greet the dog, give him a chance to show you youre wrong........ cause if your general opinion is that pitbulls are killers? Find out fist, before you spread a message devastating to us hwo acctually know they are not........

They are our Friends, our Family, our beloved protectors.

Nuff said.

Cpl. F B Signing out.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Could`nt agree with U more My Love...

I Love U sooo Much